Acknowledge God In All That You Have [Depending on Him Even When You Think You Have It All]

It’s easy to believe that we’re in control. We work hard, hustle to achieve our goals, and accumulate success through sheer determination. Sometimes, we reach a point where we feel we have it all; a successful career, strong relationships, material wealth, and the temptation arises to depend solely on ourselves. But no matter how much we accomplish, how secure we feel, or how much we’ve built, one truth remains: everything we have is by God’s grace, and we are always dependent on Him.

In this post, I’ll share why it’s crucial to acknowledge God in everything we have and how to live a life that continuously depends on Him, even when we think we have it all.

1. Recognize God as the Source of All Blessings: The first step in depending on God is realizing that everything we have, no matter how hard we’ve worked for it, ultimately comes from Him. Scripture reminds us that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). Our talents, opportunities, health, and resources are all blessings that He has given us. When we view our achievements through this lens, we begin to cultivate a heart of gratitude. It’s not just our hard work that got us here; it’s God’s provision. This acknowledgment keeps us humble and reminds us that we are stewards of what God has given, not the owners of it.

2. Success Without God Can Leave You Empty: Many people who reach the pinnacle of success will admit that once they’ve “made it,” they still feel something is missing. The world may offer fleeting pleasures, but true fulfillment comes from a relationship with God. Consider King Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest man in the Bible. He had everything; riches, power, wisdom, and fame. Yet, after achieving it all, he famously wrote, “Everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (Ecclesiastes 1:14).

Solomon realized that without God, success is empty. When we depend on God and keep Him at the center of our lives, we find that peace, joy, and contentment are not tied to our possessions or achievements but to our connection with Him.

3. Acknowledge Him in Every Season of Life: In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are reminded to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” This means that no matter what season of life you are in; whether you’re facing struggles or basking in success, you must depend on God. When we’re struggling, it’s easy to cry out to God for help. But when we’re thriving, we often forget to seek Him. However, it’s just as important to acknowledge Him in seasons of abundance. Dependence on God is a constant posture of the heart, not something we turn to only in times of need.

4. God’s Guidance is Vital for Long-Term Success: It’s possible to succeed temporarily on our own strength, but lasting success requires God’s guidance and wisdom. Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” No matter how wise or experienced we become, we cannot foresee every obstacle or opportunity that life will throw our way. That’s why it’s vital to continually seek God’s direction. Through prayer and the study of His Word, we can tune our hearts to His will and allow Him to guide our steps. God sees the bigger picture and will lead us to where we need to be, even if the path looks different from what we had in mind.

5. Humility: This is the Key to Staying Dependent on God. Success can sometimes lead to pride. We may begin to think we’ve achieved everything on our own and that we no longer need God’s help. But Scripture warns us that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). Humility is the key to remaining dependent on God, even in times of prosperity. To stay humble, we must remember that without God, we are nothing. The breath in our lungs, the beating of our hearts, and the functioning of our minds are all sustained by Him. When we keep this in mind, it’s easier to remain in a state of dependence and gratitude.

6. Surrender Control to God: One of the greatest challenges in depending on God is learning to let go of control. We often cling tightly to our plans, dreams, and accomplishments, afraid that if we surrender them to God, we might lose them. But God’s plans for us are far greater than anything we could imagine for ourselves (Jeremiah 29:11). When we surrender control and trust God with every aspect of our lives, we experience His peace and provision in ways that surpass our understanding. Dependence on God doesn’t mean giving up ambition or hard work; it means aligning our lives with His purpose and trusting Him with the outcome.

7. Make God the Center of Your Success: True success is not measured by worldly standards but by how closely we walk with God. As Jesus said, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Mark 8:36).

Even if you achieve everything you’ve dreamed of, it means nothing without a relationship with God. Make God the center of your success. Whether in business, family, or personal achievements, invite Him into every aspect of your life. Dedicate your successes to Him and use your blessings to honor and serve Him.

8. Dependence on God Leads to Peace: When we depend on God, we don’t have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Jesus invites us to cast our burdens on Him, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). No matter how much success we achieve, we cannot control everything, but we can trust the One who holds everything in His hands. There’s a profound peace that comes from knowing we are not in control, but God is. When we depend on Him, we can rest, knowing that He will provide, protect, and guide us.

Always remember that everything you have is from God. Success without Him is empty, but with Him, it becomes meaningful and fulfilling. Dependence on God is not a sign of weakness; it’s an acknowledgment of His greatness, His provision, and His love. If you’re feeling secure in what you’ve built, take a moment to reflect. Are you acknowledging God in your success? Are you depending on Him for guidance and strength? True success is found in surrendering control, trusting His plan, and living a life that reflects His goodness. No matter how much you have or how far you’ve come, stay humble, stay grateful, and above all, stay dependent on God.

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